Customer Relationship Management

crm company

What is CRM?

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management, but the term can mean a million different things from an organizational standpoint. Many CRM’s are purchased to simply improve sales, improve forecasting and to allow for pipeline visibility.

The truth of the matter is every CRM is different because every organization is different. The trick is to find out what the main goals the CRM has for your organization and how it can help you achieve that goal faster.

Client is the most vital part of any business, and association with new and potential client is even more significant. For a proper relationship with your clients you have to go for custom CRM development. Techno Softwares Malaysia has taken the customer relationship management to a different and new level, nowadays small and medium size businesses can also use CRM and for taking the all-out benefits of mechanized responses, action audit and promotional standpoints.

Techno Softwares Malaysia has made a web based customer relationship management, which allows business organizations to get accessed to the data in all over the world with customized access limitation. Most of the CRM parts are also accessible on mobile.

CRM developers do wide-ranging survey of the requirements of their clients. They make available an organized way of keeping all the particulars about your clients regarding their likes, dislikes, activities, satisfaction and every other detail you would need to know to keep them pleased.


  • Accounting Integration
  • Sales Quoting
  • Process Automation
  • Event Tools
  • Project Management
  • Contacts Management
  • Email Processing